Business Name
Bendigo Telco

About The Company
Bendigo Telco was established in 2000 by a group of large Bendigo businesses who wanted better access to telecommunication technology. Based on the community banking model made famous by Bendigo Bank – Bendigo Telco was conceived as a telco who would support the needs of the local community. The company is now a business with revenues in excess of $40M that employs more than 100 people across Australia.
Bendigo Telco can assist businesses reduce their telecommunications costs be auditing their current expenses & technologies and providing a more cost effective service. They provide a wide product range which covers data, cloud, voice, small business and personal services.
One of their new products is Microsoft Teams Calling. An overview From Tasmanian Account Manager - Rob Hartog explains the product below:
“Thank you for allowing me to share with you a product spotlight we have for Microsoft Teams Calling. As you would be aware, the accelerated adoption of collaboration tools (such as Microsoft Teams) over the past few years has become a standard for many businesses to accommodate the 'new ways of working'. However, it came as no surprise, but one of the areas that was particularly challenging over this time was the use of traditional on-premise phone systems and how these connected to staff working remotely.
Thankfully we have seen many new options come to the market and Microsoft have extended the Teams platform to now include Teams Calling as a replacement to your existing on-premise Phone system and Bendigo Telco are now excited to offer this to our customers. This is a natural addition to those organisations that have adopted the Teams environment. The result is an integrated calling solution with existing MS Teams Channels and further leverage existing 0365 license investment, reduction in operational risk and consolidation of cost (no aging hardware to maintain).
I have attached a copy of our product spotlight flyer for your information and review. Alternatively, if you have not adopted teams as part of your company’s wider collaboration toolset, Bendigo Telco is able to offer other solutions in the Hosted Voice space and we can assist you with the transition and the change to the employee and customer experience.”
If you would like to know more about Bendigo Telco’s products or services please………..
Further Information
Further Information
If you wish to enquire further, please contact Anthony McConnon (Project Manager) on 0418 365 541 or at to discuss.